The artist:
Bruce Munro

British artist Bruce Munro is best known for producing large immersive light-based installations, which often employ a massing of components by the thousands. Bruce completed a B.A. in Fine Arts at Bristol in 1982. Shortly after he moved to Sydney where he worked in design and lighting, inspired by Australia’s natural light and landscape.

An artistic diarist, he has spent over 40 years collecting and recording ideas and images in his sketchbooks, which he returns to over time as source material. Language, literature, science, and music have also greatly influenced his work.

Bruce spent his youth in Salcombe working in Dusters Restuarant and living in our community. During that time he got to know some of the volunteer Lifeboat Crew, listening to their stories of rescues around our coast. His passion for the RNLI and the volunteers that make its work possible never left him and this is his way of saying thank you to our Crews for their work.

“I am hopeful that in Salcombe, it will also inspire, creating wonderment but also drawing attention to the mysteriousness of the landscape and the darkness that surrounds it.”


Returning to England in 1992 he settled in Wiltshire, where together with his wife, Serena, he raised four children. Bruce’s work has been shown at Museums and Botanical Gardens internationally, notably, Longwood Gardens, Pennsylvania, The Victoria & Albert Museum, London; Waddesdon Manor for the Rothschild Collection, Buckinghamshire; Beyond Limits 2016 for Sothebys at Chatsworth House; Messums, Wiltshire and the Heide Museum of Modern Art in Melbourne. His work Field of Light continues to be exhibited at Uluru, NT, Australia.  

Bruce’s work is held in private and public museum collections internationally including Cheekwood Garden and Art Museum, TN, the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford and Texas Tech University.

Bruce’s latest work was at Freedom Plaza in New York and the Salcombe Field of Light opens on October 5th 2024.


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